Increased Alcohol Advertisement Regulation in Kenya

One of the key recommendations to reduce alcohol related harm is for countries to introduce policies that regulate how companies advertise their alcohol products. 

This measure, along with adjustments in alcohol taxation, is a measure that the Kenyan government has introduced to tackle the large scale harm that is caused by drinking.

This Bill aims to:

  • ensure advertisers using outdoor advertisement respect the environment and the structures upon which the advertisements are displayed, and
  • bring a balance between the need to advertise and the need for public safety.

If the Bill is adopted into law, advertisers will have to obtain a license for outdoor advertising. Those who break the law will be punishable by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months and/or a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand shillings.

It is hoped the new Bill will bring clarity to the situation in Kenya whilst at the same time recognises the rights of citizens to advertise their products.