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SRNT University
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United States

Women and Smoking Seminar


While men are currently more likely to smoke than women, this sex/gender gap is narrowing globally. This is especially concerning given that compared to men, women are at higher risk for smoking-related adverse health effects and also have a more difficult time quitting smoking. This seminar provides an overview of the trends of use and cessation outcomes by sex/gender, as well as factors contributing to these sex/gender differences.

This one-hour seminar was developed for nicotine and tobacco researchers interested in sex/gender differences in combustible tobacco use. It may also provide useful background information for clinicians who work with women who smoke.

The seminar includes a presentation by Dr. Sherry McKee of Yale University, covering the following topics:

  • Prevalence and trends over time
  • Health effects in women and babies
  • Differences in quit outcomes in women versus men (with and without medications)
  • Factors contributing to difficulties with cessation
  • Emerging research on novel approaches to improve cessation outcomes in women.

Dr. Alicia Allen, SRNT-U Director of Clinical Research, provides an audio introduction to the course.

Learning objectives

By completing this course, learners will:

  • Know the current prevalence and overall trends of combustible tobacco use in women compared to men
  • Gain an understanding of the health effects of smoking in women
  • Understand cessation outcomes in women versus men with various pharmacotherapies
  • Be able to identify factors contributing to difficulties with cessation in women.

SRNT University is grateful to Dr. Elise DeVito at Yale University School of Medicine for developing this seminar's quiz.