drug use
drug use disorders

Insights on the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic and Substance Use Disorders in Kenya

The UNODC Kenya mentor has participated at the webinar on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and Substance Use Disorders in Kenya on Friday, 15 May 2020. Together with Hussein Manji, Public Health Consultant at UNODC ROEA, the mentor outlines UNODC's support in the COVID-19 response among the most vulnerable groups, such as people who use drugs and who are affected by substance use disorders, people living with HIV and people living in prisons. 

The webinar was an interactive 2-hours discussion with national partners such as NACADA represented by Judy Twala, Drug Dependence Treatment and Care professionals represented by Susan Gitau, Rehabilitation Centres represented by Boniface Ndirangu and UNODC. The talk was organized by ISSUP International, together with ISSUP National Chapter Kenya. 

Discussions were held on the results of the COVID-10 pandemic in the country, whether essential services and programmes reaching vulnerable groups are restricted or entirely stopped. The talk continued on the topic of prevention of drug use and how the management of substance use disorders during lockdown in Kenya is handled including whether the impact of the lockdown has increased the risk of relapse or resulted in reduced cases of substance use disorders. 

A total of 209 participants were reported to attend the event and the feedback received was positive. The recording of this webinar can be access through the provided link.