Publication Date
Published by / Citation
UK Home Office
Original Language


United Kingdom
drug harms
public health

Review of Drugs: Phase One Report

In February 2019, the UK government appointed Professor Dame Carol Black to undertake an independent review of drugs.

The aim of the review was to inform the government’s thinking on what more can be done to tackle the harm that drugs cause.

Dame Carol’s Review of Drugs: Phase One Report provides a detailed analysis of the challenges posed by drug supply and demand, including the ways in which drugs fuel serious violence.

The report is linked with an information pack that lays out the evidence relating to drug use, supply and effects, including current trends and future risks.

A phase two review is due to be launched in the coming year.

Dame Carol describes her hope"that the first phase of this review, with its thorough analysis of the market and assessment of areas for further policy investigation, will provide a firm platform for decisive action by the new Government".