Training on Drug Prevention in Conjunction with 23rd Session of the Commission of Narcotic Drugs (CND 2-6 March 2020 in Vienna, Austria

Mr. Kasirye Rogers attended a meeting on drug prevention in conjunction with the 23rd Sessions of the Commission of Narcotic Drugs (CND 2-6 March, 2020 in Vienna Austria). It was organized by Drug Free America Foundation Inc., a world drug abuse prevention leader with over five divisions in drug abuse policy work.

The focus of the meeting was to get an opportunity to share our concerns and views at several meetings alongside the CND, network with like-minded organizations as well as share and learn the effects substance misuse has on other cultures and regions and educate each other on the effects, promising programmers, innovations and interventions in prevention, treatment and recovery.

A lot of information and knowledge was shared by experts in the substance use prevention field. Discussion were also held on drug policy, the harms of drug abuse and policy responses.

The training meeting created an opportunity for civil society and NGOs entities and individuals to have the ability to advocate for ideas and policies that were meaningful and of interest especially from the Globe.

The week-long training provided opportunities to attend daily side events, daily lectures or discussions utilizing world experts in substance misuse policy for almost 2 hours every day. We also attended VNGOC meetings. We would like to encourage other NGOs working in the substance use disorders field to register and become members of the Committee.