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Partner Organisation
UPC -Coordinator Series in Pakistan

Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) 2020 Programme Implementation in Pakistan

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in collaboration with the Ministry of Narcotics Control (MNC) and support from Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs of the U.S. Department of State (INL) is in the process of expanding UPC training program in Pakistan. At the initial stage UNODC will provide booster sessions to the already trained 11 national trainers on UPC Courses 1, 5 and 8. These Booster Sessions will help to be more equipped with the skills that are required by a trainer to train other professionals well. These booster sessions are conducted as per following schedule.

Course 1: 11 & 12 August, 2-4 PM

Course 5: 25 & 26 August, 2-4 PM

Course 8: 8 & 9 September, 2-4 PM

At the second stage, these national trainers will be trained by an international trainer on UPC Course 2: Physiology and Pharmacology for Prevention Specialists.

In addition to the above, UNODC is planning to introduce 4 training of trainers (ToT) sessions on four UPC curricula, for those who wish to learn, contribute to drug prevention interventions in the different settings in Pakistan and become a certified drug prevention expert. These ToT will be conducted by the UPC national trainers along with an international trainer. These training sessions are planned virtually in the following months:

Course 1: Introduction to Prevention Science – 2nd week of October 2020

Course 2: Physiology and Pharmacology of Prevention Science – 1st week of November 2020

Course 5: School-based Prevention Interventions – 3rd week of November 2020

Course 8: Media-based Prevention Interventions – 2nd week of December 2020.