Webinar | Quality in Treatment

On February 23rd, ISSUP Global presented their Webinar on the topic of quality in substance use disorder treatment. This event tied in with the launch of the new 'Quality in Treatment' Network. Details on how you can register to join the network can be found here: https://www.issup.net/training/quality-treatment


This Webinar aimed to increase knowledge of;

  • What quality in treatment is
  • Why quality in treatment is important
  • International initiatives relating to quality in SUD treatment
  • Current or ex-service user role in assuring treatment quality

The webinar also aims to encourage participants to join the new Quality in Treatment network and share good practice.


Annette Dale-Perera

Annette Dale-Perera (chair) - "Introduction to the seminar and the new forum Quality in Treatment"

Annette is the Director of adpconsultancy, consultant to UNODC/WHO and Colombo Plan on quality assurance. She has over 35 years experience in substance use disorder treatment as a practitioner, manager, academic, policy maker and national lead in quality.



Charlotte SissonCharlotte Sisson - “Why Quality in Treatment is Important”

Charlotte Sisson is a Senior Foreign Affairs Officer within the Office of Global Programs & Policy in the Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.





Anja Busse

Anja Busse - “Overview of UNODC work on Quality in Treatment’

Anja Busse is a Programme Officer, Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, Drug Prevention and Health Branch, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.





Dr. Auwal Salihu

Dr. Auwal Salihu - “Nigeria Quality Assurance pilot”

Dr Salihu is a consultant psychiatrist and Clinical Director of Aminu Teaching Hospital Kano (Substance Use Disorder services) and Bayero University.




Dr. Akan IbangoDr. Akan Ibango - “Nigeria Quality Assurance pilot”

Dr Akan Ibango is UNODC country project officer for Nigeria. He is also a clinical psychologist and has worked in substance use treatment in countries including the UK.




Borikhan Shaumarov

Borikhan Shaumarov - “Quality Assurance in 5 Central Asia Countries”

Borikhan is the Regional Project Co-ordinator UNODC Central Asia. One of his many projects is leading a programme of work on training and technical support to the five Central Asia countries on quality assurance.





Tim Sampey

Tim Sampey - “Why Service Users are critical to Quality in Treatment”  

Tim is the CEO of ‘Build on Belief’ (BoB) a peer-led service in London that supports people with substance use and mental health problems. He has lived-experience of heroin use and treatment and has played a key role in service user involvement and quality assurance in NHS and charitable SUD services in the UK.