Scientific article
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Young-Wolff KC, Adams SR, Padon A, et al. Association of Cannabis Retailer Proximity and Density With Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Women in Northern California After Legalization of Cannabis for Recreational Use. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(3):e210694. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.0694
Original Language


United States
in utero
in utero exposure
pregnant women

Association of Cannabis Retailer Proximity and Density With Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Women in Northern California After Legalization of Cannabis for Recreational Use

This cross-sectional study found that, after the state-level legalization of cannabis for recreational use in California, greater retail availability was associated with higher odds of cannabis use among pregnant women; these results were consistent with a dose-response association. While easier access or greater exposure to storefront retailers may explain the association, research is needed to determine the direction of association, as retailers may be more likely to open in communities more receptive to cannabis.