Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA) Professorship Scheme

The ‘SSA Addictions Professorship’ scheme aims to support individuals who are already senior academics with established expertise and who wish to move to become part of UK academic growth in addictions research, but who would face potential barriers in making this change without SSA-led support. Through this new four-year fellowship, they will have special support to make a career change;  for example to help an already recognised overseas senior addictions ‘star’ to move to the UK and to establish themselves, or to help a senior figure in a related field to establish new mainstream addictions research credentials or a change in the balance of responsibilities (e.g. from a clinician with secondary research interests to a primary research role).

The scope of the area of study of the applicant will be such as to have a good fit and clearly articulated contribution to the aims of the Society and its commitment to improving understanding of treatment, rehabilitation and other interventions, and in the ability through these activities to increase public good.

We anticipate that applicants would typically be at the Professorial level. The scheme will be implemented flexibly to meet the particular circumstances of the appointee.

We will include, as part of the SSA Addictions Professorship package, the potential for funding support for a linked 3-year PhD student. This will further help the transitioning senior academic to find their feet in the UK addictions research field over their initial years.