Consumption of psychoactive substances and gender perspective. In the week of the International Day of Action for Women's Health

ISSUP Argentina invites you to participate in a webinar that will discuss psychoactive substance use and gender perspective - in the week of the International Day of Action for Women's Health. The webinar will take place on May 21, 2021 at 11:00 hrs (Argentina time).

Despite the role that gender has as a determinant of health, this perspective has often not been taken into account in the field of Addictions. However, for some years, international organizations have emphasized the need to incorporate this approach into public policies and specific programs.
The webinar includes a description and practical strategies on this topic.

Rapporteur: Florencia Tufró

Sociologist, specialist in gender issues.

She was in charge of the Women's Directorate of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, she was also Director of Territorial Approach of SEDRONAR in Argentina.
She is currently an Advisor to the National Ombudsman's Office for Children and Adolescents.