Scientific article
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Gilman JM, Schmitt WA, Wheeler G, et al. Variation in Cannabinoid Metabolites Present in the Urine of Adults Using Medical Cannabis Products in Massachusetts. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(4):e215490. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.5490
Original Language


United States
medical cannabis products

Variation in Cannabinoid Metabolites Present in the Urine of Adults Using Medical Cannabis Products in Massachusetts

The findings of this cohort study are consistent with those of a study of cannabis products purchased in California and Washington, in which more than one-half of products were incorrectly labeled. These findings indicate that adults using medical cannabis products may have incomplete or incorrect information regarding expected cannabinoid exposure from these purchased products, impeding informed patient choice and investigation of pharmacologic and therapeutic properties of cannabis products.