Latin American Journal of Mental Health and Therapeutic Communities- Call for Papers

The Latin American Journal of Mental Health and Therapeutic Communities (RELASMECT) is an initiative that gather professionals from all over Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe and the United States, focused on the creation and dissemination of quality knowledge that can contribute to the improvement of prevention and treatment of addiction and other mental disorders.


Publishing scientific articles that contribute to share comprehensive information on Mental Health and Therapeutic Communities.


Provide ways for socialization of academic and practical knowledge, with a view to stimulating scientific research and academic debate.



Types of Papers Accepted

  • Original Research Papers
  • Literature review papers
  • Case studies
  • Reports of practical work experiences
  • Development and experience of applying innovative practices and activities
  • Interviews with relevant personalities
  • Summaries of national and international events
  • Letter to Editors

Submit your article and learn more about the journal, the Editorial Committee and the renowned group of reviewers, accessing the link: