Scientific article
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Bint-e-Saif, S., & Shahzad, S. (2020). Urdu translation and adaptation of the HIV stigma scale in Pakistani injectable drug users with HIV. JPMA, 2019.
Original Language


Keywords: HIV/AIDS stigma
Personalised stigma
Disclosure concerns
Negative self-image
Public attitudes

Urdu translation and adaptation of the HIV stigma scale in Pakistani injectable drug users with HIV


Objective: To translate and adapt the human immunodeficiency virus stigma scale into Urdu language,
and to determine its psychometric properties.
Method: The study was conducted at the Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Treatment Centre at the Civil Hospital, Karachi, from February to April 2017. The scale was translated and administered on a sample of patients enrolled from the Centre who were aged 25-45
years and had been injecting drugs. The reliability of the measure was assessed by working out
Cronbach's alpha, split-half reliability and test-retest reliability. The construct validity was measured by
correlating the scale with the constructs of depression and self-esteem. Statistical analysis was done
using SPSS, 20.
Results: There were 150 subjects with a mean age of 31.65±5.88 years. Internal consistency of the Urdu
version of the scale was 0.94 and that of the subscales ranged 0.81-0.91. Gutman split-half coefficient was
0.93 and test-retest reliability was 0.92. The Urdu version of the scale had a significant positive correlation
with depression (p<0.01) and a significant negative correlation with self-esteem (p<0.01).
Conclusion: The Urdu version of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Stigma Scale was found to have
acceptable psychometric properties and it can be used in researches conducted in Pakistan.