ISSUP Webinar
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United Kingdom
substance use
United Kingdom

Activated Threat Systems: The Intersection of Homelessness, Trauma, and Substance Use

ISSUP are pleased to present the First Event in the Webinar Series on Substance Use and Homelessness: 
New Perspectives from Research and Practice.

This first webinar will explore trauma, homelessness, and substance use through a personal, interpersonal, and systemic lens. Following an introduction to the evidence base on trauma, homelessness, and substance use, the speaker will provide an overview of the findings from their DClinPsychol research, which focusses on the effects of frontline work on professionals working in homelessness services. Lastly, the webinar will explore how systems can become “trauma-organised” in their attempts to protect themselves and their service users, and consider what this means for work going forward.

At the end of this webinar, participants will:

  1. Have a better understanding of the relationship between trauma, homelessness, and substance use
  2. Have been introduced to a different way of thinking about substance use and “behaviour that challenges”
  3. Be better informed about secondary traumatic stress, burnout, and the factors that may affect how they respond to distressing workplace events
  4. Be able to draw this information together to inform their practice with homeless service users and other people who use substances 

Lili Lemieux-Cumberlege (she/they) is a third-year Trainee Clinical Psychologist at the University of Edinburgh and is currently completing their final placement in the NHS Lanarkshire Addiction Psychology Service. Prior to clinical training, Lili worked in frontline homelessness services and recovery services in ​both Canada and Scotland. Lili’s DClinPsych​ol research explores the individual and organisational factors that affect how frontline staff in homelessness services cope with distressing incidents and secondary traumatic stress at work. Lili’s other research interests include homelessness and mental health, LGBTQIA+​ mental health, and diversity and representation in Clinical Psychology.

Webinars and online events delivered and hosted by the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) are provided for informational purposes only. They are educational in nature and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.