ISSUP Webinar
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política publica de drogas

Relevance of research on public drug policy and its impact on national programs

ISSUP Chile presented a webinar on Public Policy Research on Drugs. This webinar reviewed the relevance of research on public drug policies in the country, considering the experience of the Millennium Nucleus in this area.

Date: Thursday, March 17, 2022

Time: 17.30hrs (Chile time)

Rapporteur: Alvaro Castillo-Carniglia, PhD, MSc.

  • Postdoc, University of California, Davis, 2018.
  • Doctor of Public Health (PhD), Universidad de Chile, 2013.
  • Master in Public Nutrition (MSc), Universidad de Chile, 2009.
  • Social Anthropology, University of Chile, 2007.

Main lines of research

  • Measurement of alcohol and drug use in the population, estimation of harms associated with consumption, social determinants of substance use and its consequences, evaluation of programs and policies.


  • Assistant Professor at the Center for Research in Society and Health (CISS), UMayor.
  • He currently directs the Millennium Nucleus for Drug Policy Evaluation and Analysis (MEAD).

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