Scientific article
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Biondi, B.E., Vander Wyk, B., Schlossberg, E.F. et al. Factors associated with retention on medications for opioid use disorder among a cohort of adults seeking treatment in the community. Addict Sci Clin Pract 17, 15 (2022).
Original Language


United States
Medications for opioid use disorder

Factors associated with retention on medications for opioid use disorder among a cohort of adults seeking treatment in the community



Medication treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) (MOUD; buprenorphine and methadone) reduces opioid use and overdose. Discontinuation of MOUD can quickly lead to relapse, overdose and death. Few persons who initiate MOUD are retained on treatment, thus it is critical to identify factors associated with retention.


Evaluated data was from an ongoing prospective cohort study of adults aged 18 or older with DSM-5 moderate to severe OUD seeking MOUD in the community and followed for 6 months. Participants were considered retained on MOUD through 6 months if they reported taking MOUD at every study interview without discontinuation. A high dose of MOUD was defined as a methadone dose > 85 mg or buprenorphine dose ≥ 16 mg. Multivariable logistic regression was conducted to assess factors associated with 6-month MOUD retention.


A total of 118 participants (73% male, 58% white, 36% with HIV) were included. Buprenorphine was initiated by 58% and 42% started methadone. MOUD retention was 49% and 58% among buprenorphine and methadone, respectively, at 6-months. In adjusted models, a high MOUD dose (OR = 4.71, 95% CI 2.05–10.84) and higher pain interference (OR = 1.59, 95% CI 1.15–2.19) was associated with MOUD retention.


Adequate dosing of MOUD leads to improved retention on MOUD. Further, persons with high pain interference at baseline had higher odds of retention on MOUD. Both methadone and buprenorphine have analgesic effects, thus those with high pain interference could have dual benefits of MOUD for treating OUD and pain. Interventions should be tailored to improve adequate MOUD dosing to improve retention on MOUD.