Scientific article
Published by / Citation
Abril Valdez, E., Román Pérez, R., Cubillas Rodríguez, M. J., & Domínuez Ibañez, S. E. (2022). PERFIL FAMILIAR Y DE CONSUMO DE DROGAS EN MUJERES INTERNAS EN CENTROS DE RECUPERACIÓN EN EL NOROESTE DE MÉXICO. Health and Addictions/Salud Y Drogas, 22(1), 26–39.
Original Language


perfil familiar
consumo de drogas

Family profile and drug use in women inmates in Recovery Centers in Northwestern Mexico


Addictions are a social and public health problem whose latest trends in Latin America show an increase in women. The objective of this study was to compare the family variables and the consumption of harmful substances of women inmates in specialized centers in northwestern Mexico. The study was descriptive, with a convenience sample of 112 women from 8 recovery centers. A questionnaire was applied on history of addiction and socio-family factors. The results do not show that family variables differ significantly between the groups formed according to the age of initiation of consumption. However, those who started before the age of 18 mostly came from single-parent households, with a father / mother with less schooling and consumption in close relatives. It is concluded that due to the heterogeneity of the antecedents, it was not possible to obtain statistically significant differences between the family profile and the ages of onset of addiction. However, such diversity suggests the need to consider contexts when designing prevention and care strategies.