Scientific article
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Cruz Gonzalez, A.A., Alonso Castillo, M.M., Armendáriz García, N.A. y Guzmán Facundo, F.R. (2022). Características personales del migrante y el consumo de drogas licitas e ilícitas: una revisión sistemática. Health and Addictions / Salud y Drogas, 22(1), 95-107. doi: 10.21134/haaj.v22i1.619
Original Language


trastornos por consumo de alcohol
drogas ilícitas

Personal characteristics of migrants and licit and illicit drug use: a systematic review


Introduction. Migration has an effect on the individual, social and family spheres, these effects will require adaptation processes that affect lifestyles, will be reflected in the processes of health, disease and risk behaviors such as drug use. Objective. Determine the personal characteristics of the migrant that may influence the consumption of licit and illicit drugs. Methodology.    We followed the steps of the Crochrane Handbook and the Reporting Elements for the Submission of Systematic Reviews, as a search strategy, included the descriptors Desc the Mesh thesaurus in English and Spanish, as well as truncators and boléanos operators in the title and abstract: Migrants AND Alcohol Drinking OR Drugs Abuse. Results.  The 25 studies that make up the systematic review include personal characteristics of the migrant such as age, gender, education, occupation, marital status associated with drug use, of which 72% consider personal characteristics associated with alcohol consumption, 12% with tobacco, 8% with illicit drugs and 8% with different types of drugs. Conclusions.  The results of this systematic review provide evidence between the relationship of some personal characteristics of migrants as risk factors that influence the consumption of licit and illicit drugs.