Scientific article
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Mauriño MA, Eymann A, Santarsieri N, Vainman S, et al. Adolescent behaviors during the preventive and mandatory social isolation in Argentina in 2020. Arch Argent Pediatr 2022;120(1):39-45.
Original Language



Adolescent behaviors during the preventive and mandatory social isolation in Argentina in 2020


Introduction. In March 2020, Argentina established a preventive and mandatory social isolation policy (ASPO, for its acronym in Spanish) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Objective. To explore the behaviors and habits of the adolescent population during the ASPO and the extent of compliance.

Population and methods. Qualitative and quantitative, cross sectional study in Argentine adolescents aged 12-20 years. An anonymous, semi-structured questionnaire was administered during epidemiological weeks 34 to 36.

Results. A total of 1535 questionnaires were analyzed. Participants’ average age was 16 years; 72% were females. Non-compliance with the ASPO during the first 3 months was 27% versus 59% during the past month. A good to excellent family environment was described by 73%, and 87% performed educational activities. The average non-educational screen time was 6.8 hours per day. Seventy percent of participants said they did not use drugs in the past month. Positive aspects described included strengthening family bonds (34%) and discovering or returning to activities (20%); whereas negative aspects were emotional distress (23%) and not being able to see family members or friends (21%).

Conclusions. Most adolescents maintained their educational activities, spent a lot of noneducational screen time, and referred a low drug use. Adherence to the ASPO decreased progressively over time. The main positive aspects were strengthening family bonds and discovering or returning to activities; whereas negative aspects were emotional distress and not being able to see family members or friends.