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Dr Carmen Fernández Cáceres
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Characterization of family violence of substance user patients (presented at CIJ in 2020) - Dr Carmen Fernández Cáceres , Day 4, 11:00-12:30

Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 15th May, 2022


  • Characterization of family violence of substance user patients (presented at CIJ in 2020) - Dr Carmen Fernández Cáceres 


  • Characterization of family violence of substance user patients (presented at CIJ in 2020) - Dr Carmen Fernández Cáceres 

Objective: Characterize the type of violence presented by families that requested attention at CIJ for drug use problems.

Method: Qualitative, retrospective study. A sample of clinical records was reviewed (n=680).

Results: Type of headship was very similar (56% male vs. 43% female headship).

Regarding the structural organization of the family, nearly half are nuclear (46%), followed by semi-extensive (15%) and reconstructed (14%), single parent (10%) and extended families (7%), among others. The subsystem in which most violence is exercised, 45% of the cases were identified as domestic violence, followed by violence from parents to children (40%), from children to parents (20%) and between siblings (10%).

Most of the therapists document psychological violence as the most pressing among families attended; According to their records, 80% of the cases involve this problem, followed by other types of violence such as neglect, abandonment, physical, economic and patrimonial violence.

Finally, according to the categorization proposed by the Relational Dimension model (Linares), the therapists identified that families present a dynamic with interaction patterns typical of manipulative violence (30%); complementary type (10%); disconfirming (12%); equivocal (8%); it should be noted that with respect to relational chaos, therapists identified 12%; finally, hyposociable and hypersociable deprivation presented 3%.