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Orlando Scoppetta
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Evidence for the universal, selective and indicated prevention of illicit substance use based on a systematic review and data science - Orlando Scoppetta, Day 4, 09:00-10:29

Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 15th May, 2022


  • Evidence for the universal, selective and indicated prevention of illicit substance use based on a systematic review and data science - Orlando Scoppetta


  • Evidence for the universal, selective and indicated prevention of illicit substance use based on a systematic review and data science - Orlando Scoppetta

Knowledge about the factors that are associated with a higher probability of illicit substance use is important for the design of interventions. From a systematic review of reviews using the AMSTAR tool for rating the quality of reviews, factors were identified that were studied in three large databases in Colombia, using factor analysis, classification by latent classes and algorithms of machine learning, which established the existence of personal, family and environmental factors that can be organized in the continuum of universal, selective and indicated prevention. Having substance-using friends and previous tobacco use were found to be strong indicators of the likelihood of illicit substance use. This type of research lays strong evidence base on the factors that increase the likelihood of substance abuse and guides its prevention.

Learning objectives

Demonstrate the usefulness of procedures for the extraction and classification of evidence from local data.

Indicate a procedure for obtaining evidence for the science of prevention from the combination of research techniques.

Exemplify the use of national surveys in the foundation of programs to prevent the use of illicit psychoactive substances.