The UNODC Programme Office in Indonesia in collaboration with the National Narcotics Board (BNN) conducted a National Training for Government Officials and Practitioners on the UNODC Family United programme (Family-based prevention programme).

Family is a strategic institution to encourage fundamental changes in the process of child development. A family has risk or protective factors that influences the physical and psychosocial development of a child. This is proof of how important the family environment for individuals is, especially children. In this context, the Government of Indonesia sees interventions to strengthen family resilience as one  urgent step in building resilient families, especially to protect children from the risk of drug use and problem behaviours.

UNODC believes that family is undoubtedly one of the most influential social institutions. Accordingly, the UNODC family skills based programme, “Family United Programme” is one of the UNODC/WHO recommended scientific-based interventions described in the International Standards of Drug Use Prevention with “very good” indications of efficacy . This programme supports caregivers in being better parents and strengthen positive age-specific and age-appropriate family functioning and interactions in general.  

In collaboration with the BNN, also with support from the INL, US Embassy for Indonesia, UNODC conducted a three day in-person training from 5th to 7th July, 2022 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia to introduce the Family United Programme to relevant ministries (Ministry of Village Development of Disadvantaged Regions, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Ministry of Education and Culture, and Ministry of Communication and Information Technology) and practitioners (representatives from the Family Empowerment and Welfare). The training aims to disseminate a greater level of understanding in evidence-based drug use prevention for government officials and practitioners advocating on family issues in the community by introducing the UNODC family-based prevention programme “Family United”.