European Web Survey on Drugs 2021: Emerging findings in Lebanon
Submitted by Rasha Abi Hana

The European Web Survey on Drugs1 collected data during March and May 2021 from people who use drugs, are aged 18 or older, and live in 21 EU and 9 non-EU countries including Lebanon. In this period, the populations in many European and neighbouring countries were experiencing COVID-19-related lockdown or restrictions. Unless otherwise indicated, the data presented here refer to the 274 respondents who reported having used at least one illicit drug in the 12 months prior to the survey (last 12 months of use) and live in Lebanon.
In summary
- Most survey respondents (93 %) reported using cannabis during the previous 12 months. A total of 42 % had used cocaine and 32 % MDMA/ecstasy.
- The most commonly reported motivations for cannabis use were relaxation, getting high and treating anxiety.
- Home was reported as the most common setting for drug use during the period.
- The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and national measures was reported to be greatest on the use of cannabis resin (increased consumption).
- The explosion in Beirut in 2020 was reported to have had an impact on use of cannabis (increased consumption) and the use of cocaine, MDMA and amphetamine (decreased consumption).