UTC Report in Benue state, Nigeria dated 1st August 2022.

ISSUP Nigeria Colombo Plan

The training on Universal Treatment Curriculum 1 & 2 organized by Foundation for Changing Lives Against Substance Abuse (FOCLASA) took place between 1st to 6th August, 2022 at the conference hall of Smile View Hotel, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.

Twenty-five (25) people registered and started the training on the first day but due to the strict rules applied for successful participation and completion of the course 1 & 2, the training ended up with twenty-one people who successfully completed the course.

The training was facilitated by Dr. Chia Francis (ICAP II) who is a UTC national trainer in Nigeria. The trainer strictly used the UTC 1 & 2 materials developed by the Colombo-Plan to deliver the training program.

Result scores from the pre-test and post-test on each of the curriculum showed a great improvement in knowledge among the participants in both UTC 1 & 2.

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