PTSD Consultation Program: Lecture Series

On the third Wednesday of each month, the PTSD Consultation Program hosts a webinar on a topic relevant to treating PTSD. Topics are selected based on questions providers are bringing to the PTSD Consultation Program and invite an expert in that area to present the lecture.

The target audience includes mental health professionals or other health professionals interested in topics related to treating Veterans with PTSD.

Those who pre-register and participate in the live lectures can earn one hour of free continuing education credit. CE/CMEs available: ACCME, ACCME-NP, APA, ANCC, NBCC, ASWB.

Upcoming Lectures

September 21, 2022
Addressing Racial Trauma in Military Populations Through Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for PTSD
Brittany Hall-Clark, PhD

October 19, 2022
Prolonged Grief Disorder
M. Katherine Shear, MD

November 16, 2022
Treating Pain in Patients with PTSD
Jennifer Murphy, PhD

December 21, 2022
Veterans with PTSD and Criminal Legal Involvement: Understanding Intersectional Aspects of Care
Matthew Stimmel, PhD and Ryan Holliday, PhD

January 18, 2023
Understanding Native American History as a Foundation of Culturally-Aware PTSD Treatment
Charlotte McCloskey, PhD

February 15, 2023
(To be determined)

March 15, 2023
Assessment and Treatment of PTSD in Individuals with Co-occurring Psychotic Disorders
Stephanie Sacks, PhD