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Partner Organisation
Quality Assurance
quality standards

INL DDR Partners Call - Quality Assurance

This month on November 9th, 2022, the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) DDR Partners meeting offered a discussion on quality assurance and included two presentations:

  • Building Quality Improvement for SUD Treatment Systems, Victor Capoccia, Consultant
  • Quality Improvement – Next Steps, Brian Morales, INL

The meeting highlighted the importance of understanding the patient experience, the replicable, proven, and practical approaches to improve SUD treatment, in addition to the standards and measures that define the quality of the SUD treatment.

The Key quality standards for 2021 as agreed by international organisations were shared. These standards were divided into four categories as per the below:

  • Effective management of the service
  • Individualised, patient-centred treatment and care
  • Timely access to evidence-based interventions
  • Promotion of patient health, safety, and human rights

The Program for International Quality Assurance in Treatment (PIQAT) was introduced; it is a project funded by INL and supported by three international organisations (Colombo Plan, OAS/ CICAD and UNODC) working collaboratively in a harmonised way to implement this project in 28 countries over the next two years. For more information, please refer to the recorded session.