UNODC launched a Training of Trainers (ToT) Programme on the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Advanced Courses 9-15 in Pakistan

5Ensuring continued learning and offering opportunities to substance use dependence treatment professionals to learn advanced and evidence-based treatment techniques and strategies is one of the important missions of UNODC. In this regard, UNODC Pakistan in collaboration with the Ministry of Narcotics Control and with the generous support from Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, U.S. Department of State, has initiated a training of trainers’ (ToT) programme on the Advanced Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) courses 9 -15 for UTC national trainers to be implemented in 2022/23 in Pakistan.


The first ToT on UTC 12 & 14 was organized from 26th August to 5th September 2022 at the Best Western Hotel Islamabad, Pakistan where 18 national UTC trainers participated (9 women and9 men). The event was opened by…This training specifically aimed at Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and working with Families with Substance Use Disorders

2The overall goal of the UNODC ToT programme is to build capacity of national trainers on the advanced Universal Treatment Curriculum, that is facilitated by international trainers. In follow-up to this first capacity building event an additional two trainings will be held by February 2023. Participants in these trainings include professionals that were trained on the basic UTC courses in 2018 and 2019.  With the aim of disseminating this evidence-based knowledge at national level in Pakistan, these trainers will cascade the UTC advanced courses to other substance use treatment professionals in their respective provinces under the mentorship of the international trainers.