The Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Program Conducted Training in Indonesia on 2022

The Collaboration of the Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (CPDAP) with government partners and stakeholders in Indonesia in 2022 has resulted in 73 basic and advanced UTC training courses, 2 (two) training on the URC-ALLIES model which includes 1 (one) implementation of the National ToT. A national pool of trainers was formed to promote URC-ALLIES dissemination to all regions in Indonesia.
Its implementation was carried out in 33 provinces to 1,374 beneficiaries from various professional backgrounds. A total of 6 (six) training were conducted on a cost-sharing basis with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Indonesia and the Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta through funding from INL, U.S. Department of State. Meanwhile, the other 69 training were funded by the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency (BNN) and the Directorate General of Corrections, Ministry of Law and Human Rights (DG Corrections of DoJ).
A total of 3 learning videos on basic counseling skills adapted from UTC 4 have also been produced to support the professionalization of the DDR workforce in Indonesia through a national certification exam for the addiction counselor profession.