Scientific article
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Molobe Ikenna Daniel et al (2022). Irregular Migration, Drug Use and Drug Trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa; Libya and Nigeria. Human Migration in the Last Three Centuries. Intechopen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.107521
Original Language


Irregular migration
drug use
drug trafficking

Irregular Migration, Drug Use and Drug Trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa; Libya and Nigeria


Background: This study examined the context of drug use and trafficking in irregular migration among identified Nigerian-returned migrants from Libyan detention centers in the transit or destination along the Mediterranean irregular migratory route. Method: Population of study utilized sample size of 382 (238 males and 144 females). Participants’ recruitment employed the use of snowballing and judgmental sampling. Data were collected with interviewer-administered questionnaire, and supplemented through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and case study. Result: The summary of the findings revealed that most participants were smuggled (97.9%) and trafficked (96.6%). Drug use in migration was 61.3% prevalent among the participants. Frustration and trauma were the leading cause of drug use among migrants. About 15.7% of the participants trafficked drugs on migration and 28% among those that trafficked drugs had experience of arrest for drug trafficking (in Libya). The study also discovered that some of the migrants who got into drug trafficking were to raise money for survival, while some were compelled into the business. Conclusion: Drug use and drug trafficking are prevalent in irregular migration. The findings of this study draw attention to evaluate interventions to reduce drug use and trafficking among irregular migrants.