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WFAD's Recovered Users Network (RUN) and the Global Recovery Task Force

Global Position Paper on Recovery (GPPR)

We are thrilled to share the first-ever Global Position Paper on Recovery (GPPR), developed by WFAD's Recovered Users Network (RUN) and the Global Recovery Task Force. The document unites recovery organisations [and beyond], institutions, networks, and academics around essential recovery pillars and recommendations. The official launch is scheduled during the UN's Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna.

Your Support is Needed! Therefore, we warmly invite you to endorse and disseminate the Global Position Paper on Recovery among your network and conduct the following steps:

1. Review the GPPR to explore the document's pillars and recommendations

2. Endorse the GPPR by signing the paper via the "sign" option and adding your and/or your organisation's name endorsing the paper.

This unique opportunity to stand together for recovery demonstrates our collective commitment to this vital cause. Through your endorsement, the significance of the paper will be recognised internationally! Sign the paper before Monday, March 11th!