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substance abuse treatment

Empowering Advocacy: ISSUP Philippines’ Recent Contributions to Partner Initiatives

For the past few months, the ISSUP Philippine Chapter has continued its behind-the-scenes preparations for several initiatives, especially for an upcoming National Conference this October, 2024. At the same time, our Chapter actively engages with partnered and affiliated organizations to advance our mutual advocacies.

On April 15, 2024, representatives of our Chapter attended the Sin Tax Coalition’s Alcohol Control Advocacy Workshop. This event brought together participants from national government agencies, civil society organizations, and health professionals with the shared aim of capacitating advocates on alcohol control. It also focused on dispelling myths about the alcohol industry and enhancing existing communication plans to create a more comprehensive advocacy strategy to address issues related to alcohol use in the Philippines. The participation of PASS underscores their active role in the ongoing battle against alcohol misuse and their dedication to public health advocacy.

The Chapter also sent participants to the Design Thinking and Planning Workshop for the development Model of Intervention (MOI) last April 29 to May 3, 2024; an initiative by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Social Technology Bureau and in collaboration with the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB), this MOI will target clients in the Special Drug Education Center (SDEC). The SDEC itself is a program that enables out of school youth to cope with the challenges they encounter in their childhood and adolescence.

Last May 10, 2024, our Chapter met with Philip Plough of the Plough Foundation and President Lucy Lazo of the World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (WAPR). Discussions were held on the possibility of introducing to the Philippines the Sober Companion Artificial Intelligence (SCAI); this service is an AI-powered treatment service modality that enhances the clinician-patient collaboration in the treatment relationship. While it is currently used in the US and Middle East primarily for alcohol use disorder, it has shown applicability for other substances as well. The Chapter will partner with the WAPR on advocating for its use in our country.

Finally, the Philippine Chapter has begun preparing its application with the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) as an Accredited Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Provider. This accreditation will enable ISSUP Philippines to offer webinars and other educational material that allow licensed professionals to earn the CPD points necessary to renew their PRC licenses. This initiative not only supports the continuous education of professionals but also fosters a community of well-informed and skilled practitioners dedicated to substance abuse prevention and treatment.

These activities are a reflection of ISSUP Philippines’ strategy of effecting change by leveraging the unique expertise of our members to provide valued insights to our collaborators and partners. As ever, we continue to seek partnerships with like-minded organizations and to further expand our ability to develop the field of addictions’ human capital.