Example of fully functioning digital national infrastructural support IPREV for school and community prevention activities: a compact simple system means understandable, acceptable and sustainable solution


1.Prof. Michal Miovsky (⚑ Czech Republic) 1

2.Prof. Roman Gabrhelík (⚑ Czech Republic) 1

3.Mr. Tomas Jandac (⚑ Czech Republic) 2

4.Mrs. Renata Habinakova (⚑ Czech Republic) 2

5.Ms. Elizabeth Nováková (⚑ Czech Republic) 2

1. Charles University, Department of Addictology, First Faculty of Medicine., 2. Department of Addictology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University


Prevention infrastructure became a critical issue for successful implementation, development, improvement and sustainability. This issue is theoretically highly complicated and represented by multilevel activities but for real work and movement we need to integrate core components and provide it by simpl and effective way including promotion activities towards relevant target population as a compact and fully functioning system. Bridging the gap between science and praxis means to deliver digestible core concept and compact solution having a potential for development and improvement.

The Prague team has developed within 24 years step by step a complex system IPREV. The IPREV is digitalized platform providing all critical support for prevention professionals, service providers and donors. The system is built on open source principles and it is based on three pillars: (a) intervention databank and implementation support, (b) education and training programs and prevention career support and (c) monitoring and evaluation. The system was successfully tested within 12 months pilot project at the national level with participation of schools, donors, local governments and prevention service providers.