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The Implementation of Two Evidence-Based Media-Based Prevention Campaigns developed during Claremont Graduate University’s Media-Based Prevention Science Advanced Certificate Program


1.Mr. William Crano (⚑ United States) 1

1. Claremont Graduate University


This session will present the development, implementation, and results of two media-based prevention campaigns implemented in Botswana and Colombia after phase 2 of the Claremont Graduate University Advanced Certificate Program in Media-Based Prevention Science. The program, which is one of the initiatives of the Global Coalition, was designed to assist professionals design, implement, and evaluate evidence-based media prevention campaigns specific to issues encountered in their countries.

The members of the two country teams attended the CGU program (2018 and 2019, respectively), all earning high marks. They completed the advanced alumni program in 2022 and were selected for a year-long mentorship as they developed the most promising persuasive prevention interventions for their home communities. The team from Botswana is working with late elementary/middle school age children in three large states, training teachers to use media to prevent use of marijuana, alcohol, and other local substances. The Colombian team is working at the university level, focusing on vaping tobacco and other substances. Both teams currently are implementing their interventions and results will be shared at ISSUP 2024.