New tools for prevention practitioners: how to empower and assess your intervention?


1.Dr. Rachele Donini (⚑ Italy) 1

1. Asl 2 Savonese


In 2021, the EU Commission, Justice Directorate, funded a project named "Politeia Frontline" to empower the understanding and implementation of evidence-based prevention intervention by prevention implementers. Fifteen countries from across Europe participated and were involved in the project activities carried out between 2022 and 2023.

One of the Work Packages (WP3), led by the author of this abstract, aimed to pilot-test a model of improving the quality of interventions undertaken at a regional and local level by strengthening the capacity and agency of prevention stakeholders on the key issue of evidence-based prevention (EBP).

Tools to collect and assess interventions were developed, together with other training materials and resources. They represent the synthesis of the most updated scientific indicators on what works and does not work in prevention interventions. They also merge the most significant literature as the UNODC International standards on drug use prevention, The European drug prevention quality standards, NIDA indicators, and other specific scientific publications.

The presentation will offer the findings of the project and the data collected in the participating countries. Specific and practical tools that can be used to empower and improve the planning and implementation of prevention implementers at a local and regional level will be shared.