Universal prevention is not without the entire community. Incorporating the health asset model


1.Mrs. Patricia Ross (⚑ Spain) 1

1. Planet Youth


Universal addiction prevention is not only about campaigns aimed at the entire population. These campaigns are necessary but not sufficient. They must be accompanied by actions based on evidence that promote protective and health-promoting factors. But where are these promoting factors mainly found? Fundamentally in the contexts and environments in which individuals grow and develop. They are the social determinants of health.

Historically, universal prevention has not focused on social determinants, but has focused primarily on strengthening individual agency for resistance to addictions and other problems. Despite the enormous variety of these supposedly universal educational programs, consumption rates among minors and adolescents do not decrease. It is therefore evident that a paradigm shift with respect to universal prevention is absolutely necessary.

The preventive discourse regarding addictions cannot have an exclusive and unique narrative, but rather should be incorporated into the public health and health promotion systems, since universal prevention is non-specific, it does not talk about drugs. Such prevention, to be effective, should focus on improving the determinants of health. And from this new approach, focused on community health, we will talk about health assets and their promotion in the territories, as a way to create proactive individuals and communities in generating healthier contexts for their citizens.