Day 1, 11:00 - 12.30, ISSUP, Systems Change and the Role of the University Through the Lens of the ITTC Network:Part 1, Laying the foundation

Presented at Thessaloniki 2024, on the 26th of June, 2024.


This panel will lay the foundation for three ITTC panels delivered during the conference. In this first panel, presenters will explain systems change and introduce the Water of Systems Change framework. Presenters will highlight the role of universities in systems change, making clear that such efforts are relevant and appropriate to higher education settings. Finally, presenters will focus on the ITTC Network and identify how systems change initiatives are a critical part of the continuum of the diffusion of an innovation.

Moderator: Ms. Julia Alvarado (⚑ Chile) - ITTC Network Coordinating Office


Bawo James - Exploring Systems Change

Laurie Krom - Role of the University in Systems Change

Jairat Gina Jaturapataraporn  - ITTCs and Systems Change