Day 2, 2:00 - 3.30, ICUDDR, Challenges and Opportunities in Providing Evidence-Based Treatment for Persons in the Criminal System

Presented at Thessaloniki 2024, on the 27th of June, 2024.


Persons who have substance use disorders are frequently arrested, incarcerated, or placed on supervised release in the community, typically without access to drug treatment services.When such treatment is available, it is often of substandard quality. This absence, or poor quality of treatment services results in rapid cycling of persons through courts, prisons, and emergency services in the community.

This panel will explore evidence-based assessment, treatment, and case management services designed to interrupt the rapid cycling of persons in the justice system who have substance use disorders. Presenters will describe effective services for this population that have been developed in South Africa, Latin America, and the U.S.

Moderator:  Dr. Roger Peters (⚑ United States) - University of South Florida


Goodman Sibeko - SBIRT as a Systems-Level Strategy in the South African Correctional Services: A Journey

Antonio Lomba - Criminal Justice Drug Treatment Initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean

Elisa Rubini - Application of Case Care Management (CCM) in the Criminal Justice System

Joel Johnson - Strategies for Providing Economic, Social, and other Community Supports for Persons Receiving Drug Treatment in the Criminal Justice System