Day 2, 14:00 - 15:30, ISSUP, Program for International Quality Assurance in Treatment - PIQAT

Presented at Thessaloniki 2024, on the 27th of June, 2024.

Moderator: Mr. Mariano Montenegro (⚑ Chile) - Colombo Plan Chile Office


Mariano Montenegro - Introduction to Treatment Quality Improvement (PIQAT / ICQ) 

Anja Busse - Application of the International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders and the Key Quality Standards 

Rita Notarandrea - ICQ: International Consortium on Quality in Substance Use Disorders Treatment 

Michael W. Johnson -  Insights from the Recipient of the first ICQ Quality Seal Award

Rodrigo Portilla - PIQAT: Program for International Quality Assurance in Treatment 

Cristina Nuñez - Ecuador Experience

Jissel Maitín - Panamá Experience 

Mariano Montenegro - Next steps and closing