addiction treatment

Combination Medication Therapy for Methamphetamine Use Disorder

Scientific article
A combination therapy of injectable naltrexone and oral bupropion was found in a randomized clinical trial to improve outcomes for patients with methamphetamine use disorder. This is important because there are no widely approved medication...

Navigating Addiction and Treatment A Guide for Families

About the Report Navigating Addiction and Treatment: A Guide for Families is a resource for family members who are trying to navigate the complex world of addiction and help loved ones achieve recovery. The guide includes basic definitions...

Should Addiction Counselors Disclose Their Recovery?

More often than not, the answer is: no. “I’m in recovery too…so you can trust the suggestions I give you.” “I’ve been there, done that, so I ‘get’ where you are coming from.” “When I was in early recovery I wouldn’t trust normal people. But...