brain functioning

Heavy Cannabis Use, Dependence and the Brain

Scientific article
Although cannabis use disorder (CUD) is one of the most common substance use disorders (SUDs), the impact of CUD on the brain remains unclear and understudied. In a recent article, published in Addiction journal, researchers from the...

Webinar: The Biology of Addiction

Event Date

Drugs of abuse target discrete collections of nerve cells - called circuits- in the brain that normally regulate responses to natural rewards in the environment, like food, sex, and social interactions.

Fact Sheet: Alcohol and the Brain

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
Alcohol Change UK have released a fact sheet highlighting the various ways alcohol can affect the health of your brain as well as changes you can make in order to take care of this vital organ.

How Alcohol Can Change How Memories Are Formed

Scientific article
Consuming alcohol often comes with negative side effects, such as nausea or headaches, however we have a tendency to remember the positive experience of drinking rather than the negative consequences. Understanding how alcohol influences...

Drugs, Brains and Behavior: The Science of Addiction

Since the 1930s, the response to drug addiction has moved from one that focuses on the need to punish users to another that recognises the importance of prevention and treatment approaches. In other words, thanks to scientific advances...

Drugs on the Brain: Substance Use and Neurotransmission

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has published an extended overview detailing the impact of certain drugs on brain functioning, as well as the most common experimental methods used in related research. Neuroscientists primarily...

Teenage Binge Drinking and Future Offspring’s Brain Development

Scientific article
Frequent binge drinking during your teenage years can affect the brain functioning and development of your future offspring, according to new research published by Loyola University. Indeed, the study suggests that excessive alcohol...