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Summary Numerous preclinical studies have shown that social stress increases vulnerability to the reinforcing effects of cocaine. However, the results obtained are not homogeneous, always observing a subpopulation that does not show such an...
RESUMEN El consumo de cocaína y/o cannabis durante el embarazo constituye un problema en ascenso, de importancia para la salud pública mundial. Los niños expuestos pueden presentar un amplio rango de complicaciones en el período perinatal...
Summary Drug abuse has become a serious problem worldwide. In recent years, the consumption of cocaine base paste (paco) has increased by more than 200% in our country. Despite the fact that paco is an intermediate product in obtaining...
Source: This manual is aimed at health professionals interested in addiction care, particularly cocaine dependence. This document is the product of thirteen years of...
summary Cocaine addiction is a chronic disorder with a high relapse rate; therefore, it is a priority to understand the neural mechanisms involved in finding the drug during relapse to develop effective pharmacotherapies. Glutamate...
Global drug consumption increases, while COVID-19 impacts markets, according to the World Drug Report 2020, released on June 25, 2020 by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The Report shows that around 269 million people...
Research carried out at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) – Brazil has developed a particle capable of capturing cocaine circulating in the blood of a living organism. The formulation proved to be efficient even in lethal doses of the...
Muitas pessoas não sabem que dependência química é uma doença crônica que possui tratamento. Ela se caracteriza pelo abuso de álcool, maconha, cocaína, crack ou outras substâncias entorpecentes, lícitas ou ilícitas. Esse tipo de doença...