The Continuing Evolution of Telehealth in Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Key Strategies for a Thriving Practice

Alcohol and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Individual, Societal and Policy Perspectives

HIV and Methamphetamine Use: Double Jeopardy for Transmission of the Novel Coronavirus.
Gender-Informed Virtual Interventions Addressing Substance Use and Intimate Partner Violence
This webinar will describe technology-based approaches in substance use prevention and health promotion. It will include information on how technology-based interventions can address sex, gender, and intersectional equity considerations.

Building Strength and Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Focus on Parents with Substance Use Disorders
Join ICUDDR on Friday Dec 18th at 12 noon EST for a Twitter chat with esteemed researcher, Professor, and Executive Director of the UNC Horizons Program, Hendrée E. Jones, PhD about helping parents with SUDs cope during the COVID19 pandemic.
Tag questions and comments with #ParentingSUD.

Reitox National Focal Points’ Activities During the COVID-19 Pandemic

EMCDDA webinar: COVID-19 induced recession and drug-related problems
The EMCDDA is offering a series of webinars around the theme of COVID-19. The purpose of the webinars is to help those working in the drugs field understand how drug users, and those supporting them, are coping with the pandemic and to share knowledge and experience. The webinars will give a voice to key professionals working in the drugs field and will allow for a panel discussion on emerging challenges.

COVID 19 AND BEYOND: Impact on Mental Health
Medical Council on Alcohol: Alcohol and Covid Webinar 2020
As we enter the 2nd wave of the Covid pandemic, alcohol is much in the news. The relationship between alcohol and Covid is multi-faceted. There is evidence that alcohol consumption has increased during lockdown, as have mental health problems.