
Youth Drinking in Decline

Event Date

Youth alcohol consumption is declining across most high-income nations, often alongside concurrent decreases in drug use and smoking. Researchers are increasingly focusing on the nature and underlying reasons for this decline.

The Kettil Bruun Society is holding a thematic meeting to discuss the nature of these trends.

The programme will be organised around the following themes:

Global Report on Alcohol Consumption and Health

The harmful use of alcohol is one of the leading risk factors for population health worldwide and causes more than 5% of the global disease burden. Over 200 health conditions are connected to excessive alcohol use and it has been linked...

Risk Thresholds for Alcohol Consumption

Scientific article
A new study examines mortality risks related to alcohol use from approximately 600,000 drinkers of differing levels, in 83 prospective studies and across 19 countries. One important finding from the study is that the initial threshold of...

New App: Underage Drinking Prevention

"Talk. They Hear You." App Research shows that parents are the number one reason young people decide not to drink alcohol. This new App developed by SAMHSA features an interactive simulation that helps parents learn the do's and don'ts of...

Are Youngsters in Foster Care More Likely to Use Substances?

Scientific article
New research from Cardiff University has found: Weekly smoking rates among 11 - 16-year-olds in foster care are almost 8 times higher when compared to those reported by youngsters of the same age who live with both their parents. Weekly...

New Alcohol Awareness Website

The Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) has launched a new alcohol awareness website. ‘Ask About Alcohol’ provides information on health risks associated with drinking alcohol to enable people to manage their own health better. Furthermore...

Alcohol Use Disorders Webinar

The Progress in Mind Resource Centre held a one-hour webinar on alcohol use disorders. The webinar was delivered by Wim van den Brink, Professor of Psychiatry and Addiction at the University of Amsterdam, and Steve Brinksman, GP and...