drug trends

Infographics: European Drug Report 2019

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
EMCDDA has developed a range of downloadable infographics to illustrate findings from the European Drug Report 2019. The aim of the report is to provide reliable and detailed evidence of the drug situation in Europes so that practice and...

GDS 2019 — Key Findings Report

The Global Drug Survey is the Worlds is the worlds largest drug survey. The aim of the GDS is to support communities to have honest and evidence-informed conversations about drugs.

Drug Surveillance Using Internet Search Data From Google Trends

Video and audio recordings
Dr Jacques Raubenheimer, from The University of Sydney, presents Drug Surveillance Using Internet Search Data From Google Trends: What are the Possibilities. The presentation focused on the use of a tool developed by Dr Raubenheimer for...

National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program

Wastewater analysis is widely applied internationally as a tool to measure and interpret drug use within national populations, with the current national program in Australia representing world best practice. The National Wastewater Drug...