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Abstract Importance Patients who use cannabis for medical reasons may benefit from discussions with clinicians about health risks of cannabis and evidence-based treatment alternatives. However, little is known about the prevalence of...
Medical cannabis has been touted as a solution to the US opioid overdose crisis since Bachhuber et al. [M. A. Bachhuber, B. Saloner, C. O. Cunningham, C. L. Barry, JAMA Intern. Med. 174, 1668–1673] found that from 1999 to 2010 states with...
Este artículo de CIPER habla sobre el supuesto uso medicinal de cannabis. El artículo sugiere cuatro pasos para decidir si debe usar una sustancia para usos medicinales.
The vast majority of the countries in the European Union prohibit the production, sale, possession, and use of pharmaceutical-grade herbal cannabis. However, most EU countries allow cannabis-based medicine, such as Sativex, to be prescribed...