
Family Support is for Men Too

Event Date

Alcohol and drug use affects the whole family, but less than 30% of people who come to Scottish Families for support for themselves are men. Talking about a problem is the first step to getting help but it can be hard to know who or what to ask when facing substance use in your family.

Sildenafil and Suicide in Sweden

Scientific article
Abstract Much theory asserts that sexual intimacy sustains mental health. Experimental tests of such theory remain rare and have not provided compelling evidence because ethical, practical, and cultural constraints bias samples and results...

Men’s Alcohol Consumption When Becoming a Father

Event Date

Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP), the Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN) and the Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) warmly invite you to join us online on Thursday 25 February from 12:30-14:00 GMT for the second Alcohol Occasionals event of 2021.

Men and Alcohol: Seminar Series IV

Event Date
United Kingdom

Men & Alcohol: what's next? This is the fourth and final event in the 'Men & Alcohol' seminar series co-hosted by SHAAP and the Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS). An expert panel will discuss the following questions:

  • How will men be affected by alcohol in the future?
  • How can alcohol-related harms to men be prevented or reduced?

Men, Alcohol & Health: Seminar Series III

Event Date
United Kingdom

This is the third of a four-part seminar series co-hosted by SHAAP and IAS (Institute of Alcohol Studies) to discuss issues relating to men and alcohol. At this session, three invited experts will discuss the following questions: 

  • What role does alcohol play in men’s mental health?

  • How is men’s physical health affected by alcohol?

Men, Alcohol and Identity

Event Date

Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and the Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) are co-hosting a four-part seminar series to discuss issues relating to men and alcohol.

Each session will be chaired by an expert in the field who will invite three guest speakers to present their personal responses to three pre-set questions, which are relevant to the topic.