mutual aid

Current Scientific Evidence About Mutual Help Groups

Event Date

This presentation summarizes the current evidence about the effectiveness of mutual help groups and the mechanisms of action in these groups, including AA, SMART, LifeRing, and WFS. AA is comparably effective to well-implemented CBT. The evidence so far suggests that the other groups are comparably effective to AA. Further studies are in progress.

Effectiveness Bank Analysis: The ‘Abstinent Alcoholic’

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‘Backfilled’ as a seminal study for the Alcohol Treatment Matrix, the classic description of the patient who has sustained abstinence after treatment but is still unhappy, unfulfilled and/or nervously hanging on - in other words, not really...

Does AA Really Help Drinkers Stop?

Scientific article
12-step fellowships offer a way to reconcile shrunken resources with the desire to get more patients safely out of treatment. Accounting for the self-selection bias which has obscured AA’s impacts, this synthesis of US trials finds that...