online intervention

Digital Recovery Support: Online and Mobile Resources

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
Not everyone can make it to meetings in person. Here are some resources that many use to access vital recovery support online from home. Check this infographic by recovery research institute to know more.

Recommendations "Web outreach for people who use drugs"

The UNODC Regional Program Office for Eastern Europe (Kiev, Ukraine), in collaboration with the Humanitarian Action Fund (St. Petersburg, Russia), issues recommendations on web outreach for people who use drugs (PWUD), including people who...

Harm Reduction via Online Platforms for People who Use Drugs in Russia

Scientific article
This research investigates how web outreach work is being used as a tool for delivering some harm reduction services to people who use drugs (PWUD) either partially or completely online and for engaging new clients (including hard-to-reach...

Technology-Delivered CBT to Treat Alcohol Use Disorder

Scientific article
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is one of the most researched treatment options for Alcohol Use Disorder. In order to make CBT as accessible and effective as possibles, researchers have been investigating different versions and ways to...

Intention to Reduce Drinking Alcohol and Preferred Sources of Support

Scientific article
Although rates vary from country to country, harmful alcohol use can be considered a global public health concern. The Global Drug Survey (GDS) is the world's largest annual survey of substance use. A recent study, published in the Journal...