public health

Jersey and Guernsey Sign up to WHO's Tobacco Control

A public health treaty set up to cut tobacco-related diseases and deaths has been extended to Jersey and Guernsey by the UK. The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is the distinguished global tobacco control instrument...

Behavioural Science and Public Health Network Annual Conference 2020

Event Date
United Kingdom

Following the success of our 2019 event, BSPH Network is pleased to confirm the next annual conference will take place on 12th February 2020 at the Derby Enterprise Centre.

This conference will offer an opportunity to be inspired by keynote speakers who exemplify excellence in the fields of behavioural science and public health. 

5th Annual Youth Health Conference

Event Date

The Australian Association for Adolescent Health warmly invites you to Melbourne for the 5th Annual Youth Health Conference.

In 2019 we continue our underpinning theme of Owning Future Change – we all have a part to play in taking forward the youth health agenda.

Rights, Respect and Recovery: Action Plan

In 2018, the Scottish Government released the Rights, Respect and Recovery: Scotland's Alcohol and Drug Treatment Strategy. Scotland's first drugs strategy for a decade focuses on treating the issue as a public health concern rather than a...

Alcohol Industry in France Oppose Dry January

The alcohol industry in France have begun their protest against the dry January campaign proposed by the French Health Minister Dr Agnès Buzyn. The campaign is designed to encourage people to abstain from alcohol for one month. It is hoped...

Evidence in Action: CCSA Annual Report, 2018-2019

In 2018–2019, CCSA worked with partners across Canada and internationally to gather and share the newest, best practices and advice on substance use to drive action where it matters for Canadians — tackling stigma, informing cannabis policy...