research methods

SPR: Call for Papers for Special Issue

The Society for Prevention Research is gathering research for a forthcoming special issue of the journal Prevention Science. The title of the special edition is “Transparency, Openness, and Reproducibility: Implications for the Field of...

Nordic Workshop: Who Decides the Relevance and Validity of Knowledge?

Event Date

Objective: This small-scale 2-day workshop targets researchers interested in unfolding the relationship between science and policy-making in questions of public health and lifestyle regulation (concerning for example alcohol, drugs, and tobacco use; gambling; nutrition)

Call for Applications for the SPR Sloboda and Bukoski Cup

Significant advances in prevention science are often due to a team of individuals working closely together across many years. In recognition of the importance of the collaborative process to the field, the Society for Prevention Research...

Society for Prevention Research - 27th Annual Meeting

Event Date
San Francisco

The Society for Prevention Research’s 27th annual meeting will be held May 28 – May 31, 2018, in San Francisco.

The theme for the event is  “Prevention Science in a Big Data World”. It is hoped that the event will open up a discussion about ways in which the prevention science community can make use of data and innovative technologies to develop new opportunities in prevention research. 

Effectiveness Bank Matrix Bite: What Is Drug Addiction Treatment for?

The first matrix cell on treatment (as opposed to harm reduction) seems a good time to ask: What is treatment there to do? ‘Cure’ addiction, or promote meaningful and productive lives? Meet patients’ wishes, or aid the government’s welfare...